Guidelines for Session Speakers

Thank you for your contribution to the annual Futures Conference programme. These guidelines are given to all session speakers. Please do your best to follow them to help make the conference a rewarding one for all participants.

The time allocated for each presentation in most of the sessions is limited from 20 to 25 minutes, including a chaired discussion. You may wish to use a visual aid such as PowerPoint or Prezi to reinforce your presentation and engage your audience. Please, limit the number of power point slides from 5 to 8 in order to stay in the schedule.

All lecture rooms are equipped with PC computers and data projectors.

Please, send your presentation in advance as an e-mail attachment by Wednesday 5 June at latest. The file should be saved with the name of the speaker (Firstname_Lastname.ppt) and send to:

If you are unable to send your presentation in advance, please bring it on a USB memory stick. Presentations will be the downloaded to the lecture room computer before your workshop session begins.

Note that all the presentations will be published on the conference website after the event. Also some of the presentations might be videoed. If you do not wish your presentation to be published or videoed, please inform the conference secretariat.

There is not a submission of full papers to the conference. However, speakers are free to bring and distribute their own copies of presentations, papers and other materials at the conference.

> Guidelines for Posters