Keynote Speakers

Keri-Facer_webProfessor Keri Facer

Zennström Chair in Climate Change Leadership, University of Uppsala, Sweden & Professor of Educational and Social Futures, University of Bristol, UK

Keri Facer is Zennström Chair in Climate Change Leadership at the University of Uppsala & Professor of Educational and Social Futures, University of Bristol. She works on the role of formal and informal education in the context of technological, environmental and social change. At Uppsala, she is currently leading a two year inquiry into the role of the University in addressing climate change.

From 2012–2018 she was Leadership Fellow for the UK Research Council’s Connected Communities Programme, This £40m+ research programme created new relationships between communities and universities, drawing on arts and humanities perspectives and methods to enable new forms of knowledge production to address urgent contemporary issues. In 2017 she chaired the 2nd International Conference on Anticipation and is working with colleagues internationally to develop the field of anticipation studies. From 2002–2008 she was Research Director for Futurelab, where she led a major foresight programme for the UK Government on educational futures, worked in partnership with organisations ranging from Microsoft and the BBC, to the Baltic Art Gallery and local city farms, and built collaborations between computer scientists, artists, researchers and educators in areas ranging from early experiments in augmented reality to games for learning.

Her recent publications include: Creating Living Knowledge: the participatory turn in university-community collaborations; Common Cause Research: Barriers and Enablers to collaboration between Black and Minority Ethnic Communities and Universities; and Learning Futures: Education, Technology and Social Change (Routledge). Her personal blog, with a full list of previous projects, publications and talks is available at


Professor Ted Fuller

University of Lincoln, United Kingdom

Ted Fuller is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Foresight at the University of Lincoln, UK. His leadership roles at Lincoln have included Head of the Business School and Faculty Research Director.  His career includes founding two business ventures and two research centres at the University of Durham Business School. He has held numerous appointments in national and international academic networks including Chair of the five‐year Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action on foresight methodologies.

Ted Fuller’s research is in Foresight, Anticipation, Responsibility and Emergence. These he applies to social and economic development and in particular to human agency and the relationship that individuals and organisations have with their futures, seeking to understand and explain ways that responsible futures are created. Ted is Editor‐in‐Chief of Futures, the journal of policy, planning and futures studies. Over the next few years he will occupy the UNESCO Chair in Responsible Foresight for Sustainable Development, currently being established at the University of Lincoln, UK, working with international partners on a global project to explore and implement responsible anticipation.


ullrich-kockel-webProfessor Ullrich Kockel

Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, Scotland

A native of Göttingen in Germany, Ullrich Kockel had a successful career in industry before returning to higher education. With degrees in business from Hochschule Bremen, where he worked as a research assistant in Energy Economics, and Finance and Accounting from Leeds Polytechnic, where he later taught German Studies, he won a doctoral scholarship in Social and Environmental Studies from the University of Liverpool, for a study of regional development in Ireland. In 1988 he was appointed to the newly founded Institute of Irish Studies in Liverpool and invited to University College Cork as a Visiting Lecturer in Geography, a position he held throughout his time at Liverpool. For much of this time, he and his team worked closely with the European Centre for Traditional and Regional Cultures. In 2000, he took up a Chair in European Studies at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where he led the Centre for European Studies, and in 2003 was elected to the United Kingdom’s Academy of the Social Sciences. The University of Ulster in 2005 offered him a Chair in Ethnology and Folklife at its Academy of Irish Cultural Heritages.

He has been editor of the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures (2007-18) and served two terms as President of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (2008-13). A Visiting Professor of Social Anthropology at Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas, Lithuania, since 2011, he was elected to the Royal Irish Academy in 2012; the citation highlighted his substantial contribution to interdisciplinary research. In the same year, he joined Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, where he is Professor of Cultural Ecology and Sustainability. He has recently led a work package within a Horizon 2020 project on European heritages. His published work covers a wide range of topics, including endogenous development, heritage and traditions, human ecology, and cultural encounters.


Dr. Ivana Milojević

Director, Metafuture, Australia

Dr. Ivana Milojević is a Co-Founder and Co-Director of Metafuture – an Australian based globally oriented foresight think-tank focused on the practical use of futures tools and methods through action learning approaches. In that capacity, she has delivered speeches and facilitated workshops for governmental and academic institutions, international associations, and non-governmental organizations around the world.

Dr. Milojević completed her PhD from the University of Queensland, Brisbane. Her thesis was titled “Futures of Education”. She has held professorships in Australia, Serbia, and Taiwan. Most recently, she led the foresight unit at the Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies, Brunei Darussalam.

Her research work is in the fields of sociology and education as well as in the interdisciplinary fields of futures studies, gender studies and peace and conflict studies. Ivana Milojević has coordinated and participated in research projects across sectors. She has worked in teams as a researcher using quantitative, qualitative, and critical methods, and utilized and further developed innovative foresight research methods. Milojević is the author of over seventy scholarly journal articles and book chapters, as well as the author, co-author and/or co-editor of a number of academic books. These include: CLA 2.0: Transformative Research in Theory and Practice (2015); Breathing: Violence In, Peace Out (2013); and Educational Futures: Dominant and Contesting Visions (2005, and 2011).